Friday 31 August 2007

Information Literacy Strategy Plan 2007/08

I've drafted a new implementation plan for this academic year which you can see at S:\Staff\Academic Support\Meetings and Action points\Info Lit strategy\Info lit strat plan 0708.doc

Please have a look at it and add your comments /ideas to this post here on the blog. If you want to add or change text in the plan please use Track Changes and put a note in the blog to alert us all to the changes.

We'll finalise the plan in the first part of our Info Literacy meeting on Friday 14th September so I'd be grateful if you could post your comments by Thursday 13th.

Many thanks,

Monday 20 August 2007

A recent posting on lis-infoliteracy highlighted a short article on the absence of literature searching skills among experienced and novice researchers in academia, which provides evidence of the need for more training in this area. It draws on findings from the 2006 Research Information Network survey as well as the author’s own experience in running information retrieval workshops at the Centre for Evidence Based Policy and Practice (formerly Queen Mary, now KCL)

Gomersall, A. (2007) Literature searching: waste of time or essential skill? Evidence & Policy, 3 (2) 301-308

I've printed a copy and put it in the black box in the FSL office.
